Current & Upcoming Projects
Sheldon is constantly creating his own masterpieces and has also been commissioned to work on many exciting and upcoming projects.
Here are just a few...
The World of Grim ®
Head of Product Design & Illustration
Project artist responsible for cover art, page layout, design, and illustration.
The Adventures of Grim Willard, A Grim Beginning, A Grimmer END! has recently been released and is in select
Chapters Indigo and Coles Bookstores,
and at GrimWillard.com.​

An Adventure of Epic Proportions. www.GrimWillard.com

Great People of the Winnipeg River System
A portrait wall featuring 40+ local people of note, both historical and contemporary, and has been developed into a regional biography portrait Book.
Greatest People of the Winnipeg River – Winnipeg River Heritage Museum (winnipegrivermuseum.com)
Long Live Johnny
Long Live Johnny and Other Tales to Live By. Edited and with New Stories. Coming Soon!

The Incarceration of Henry Ground Keeper
This beloved book is being made into a musical/theatrical production!